Manage Your Licenses - Billing

Managing your licenses efficiently is crucial for ensuring uninterrupted access to essential resources for your classroom. By accessing the "Billing" page in your Teacher Portal, you can easily oversee your license information, renew expiring licenses, purchase additional seats, and download receipts for documentation purposes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to effectively manage your licenses, empowering you to maintain seamless operations in your classroom.

Step 1: Begin by logging in to your Teacher Portal by clicking here and entering your login credentials.

Step 2: Hover your mouse over your name in the top right corner of the page, then click on "Billing." 

Alternatively, you can access the "Billing" section by clicking on the "Billing" tab on the left side of the dashboard.

Understanding Your Billing Page:

Upon accessing the Billing page, you'll find essential information about your licenses, quotes, and receipts. Here's what you need to know:

License Information: Your license details, including expiration date, purchased seats, and seat usage, are highlighted in yellow. Review your license status and consider renewing or purchasing additional seats if needed.

Renew your license: If your license is about to expire, follow these steps to renew it:

  • Step 1: Click on the "Renew your license" link in the Expiration Date section

  • Step 2: The license type will be labeled as “Renew License.” Enter the number of seats and duration for the renewal. Proceed to make the purchase or request a price quote.

Purchase additional licenses: To add more seats to your current license, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Click on "Purchase Additional Seats" in the Seat Usage section.

  • Step 2: A window will appear and will label the license type as “Add seats.” Enter the number of additional seats required and choose to purchase now or get a price quote.

Managing Quotes and Receipts: You can also pay for open price quotes and download receipts for your records:

  • Pay for a Price Quote: Price quotes are valid for 90 days from the date of creation. To create a price quote, click here. Once a quote is created, you can make your purchase from within the quote. Payment options include:
    • Credit Card: Select "Purchase Now" to pay with a credit card.
    • Bank Wire Transfer: Choose "Pay with a Bank Wire Transfer."
    • Purchase Order (PO): Click on "Pay with Purchase Order."
    • Note: If the order is under $200, payment must be made with a credit card.

  • Downloading a Price Quote:
    • If you need a copy of your price quote, click on "Download PDF" beneath the reference number. To cancel your price quote, click "Cancel Price Quote."

  • Downloading a Receipt: After making a purchase, you can download the receipt for your records. The receipt includes billing contact information and license details. Click on "Download PDF" underneath the reference number to access your receipt.

You've successfully learned how to manage your licenses through the Billing page in your Teacher Portal. By staying informed about your license status, renewing in a timely manner, and purchasing additional seats as needed, you ensure uninterrupted access to our resources for your classroom. Should you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at Thank you for your dedication to providing the best educational experiences for your students.