Delete a Class

When managing your classes on the Teacher Portal, it's essential to keep your class list organized and up-to-date. Deleting unnecessary classes can help streamline your workflow and focus on the classes that matter most. However, it's important to note that classes cannot be deleted if they contain students. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth deletion process:

Pro-tip: Before deleting a class, ensure it's empty of students. If there are students in the class, please delete or move them to another class first.  

Step 1: Log in to your Teacher Portal here and enter your login credentials to access your account. 

Step 2: Once logged in, locate and click on the "My Classes" section to view a list of your classes.

Step 3: Check the checkbox next to the class or classes you wish to delete from the list displayed.

Step 4: After selecting the desired class(es), click on the "Bulk Actions" button, followed by selecting "Delete" from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: A confirmation prompt will appear. To confirm the deletion, enter the word "CONFIRM" into the text box provided and click "OK."

That's it! You've successfully deleted the selected class(es) from your Teacher Portal. Your class list is now updated, and you can continue managing your classes effectively.