How to redeem a promo code

When you have a promo code in hand, it's time to unlock exciting offers on our website at Follow these simple steps to make the most of your promo code:

1. Visit Our Website: Start by visiting our website at Depending on the type of promo code you have, you can sign up for either a MONTHLY or ANNUAL subscription. Enter your email address and click "Try free for 7 days."


2. Apply Your Promo Code: During the sign-up process, you'll notice an option that says "Add promotion code." Click on it and enter your promo code in the provided field.


3. Existing Promo Code: If there is an existing promo code, click on the X to remove it.

4. Complete Registration: Once registered with your promo code, open our app and log in using the same email address you used during sign-up. You can either tap "Have an account? Login" on one of the initial screens, or you can head to the Grownups section (found at the top-left corner of the map) and select "log out." Afterward, log back in with the correct email.

If you encounter any difficulties during the process or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at We're here to help you make the most of your experience!