How to cancel

We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your subscription. Rest assured, we've made the process as simple as possible. Here's how to cancel your subscription based on your initial sign-up method:

Apple Subscriptions 

Apple App Store - If you subscribed within the app on an Apple device, please follow these steps to cancel:

  1. Visit the Apple Cancelation Link.
  2. Follow the provided instructions to cancel your subscription.

If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process, you can reach out to Apple for further assistance through Apple Support Solutions.

Android Subscriptions 

Google Play Store - If you subscribed within the app on an Android device, follow these steps to cancel:

  1. Visit the Google Play Cancelation Link.
  2. Follow the provided guide to cancel your subscription.

Should you face any difficulties while canceling, you can seek additional help from Google Play Support.

Web subscription  

Web Subscription - If you signed up on our website, you can cancel your subscription here: Stripe Billing Link.  

If I cancel my subscription and decide to return, will the progress be saved?

​​Yes, you can cancel your subscription, and your lesson progress will be saved when you return. You can start right where you left off when you renew your subscription in the future.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and if you ever decide to return, we'll welcome you back with open arms.