How do I use lessons with my child?

Lesson screens have everything you need to be a great teacher! 

Your child will be learning what’s in the middle of the screen. 

The blue text at the top of the screen tells you an action to perform.

The white box shows what you say out loud to your child. If it’s a question, the answer will be provided in gray text. 

If you are ever stuck, there are useful tips about each activity in the upper right-hand corner of the screen labeled ‘tips.’ 

There are also helpful reminders for you at the bottom of the screen, including letter-sound buttons that’ll make the sound. 

Because lessons build on one another, it’s important to complete every step. However, if your child has some existing skills, you can choose to take the placement assessment to start at a later lesson. If lessons are still too easy, feel free to complete a few lessons per day until the difficulty feels just right.

We recommend completing 3-5 lessons per week. Rereading unlocked books and playing the games in between lessons are easy ways to reinforce new skills and increase reading fluency for long-term retention.